Immigrant Health

How do we determine where people "are from?"

 Watch Taiye Selasi’s TedTalk “Don't ask me where I'm from, ask me where I'm a local” (1) - (16min)

How do current US policies affect care seeking among immigrants?

 Listen to NPR "Fearing Deportation, Some Immigrants Opt Out Of Health Benefits For Their Kids" (2) - (4min)

What is the role of community in immigrant wellness?

 Watch Duarte Geraldino’s TedTalk “What we're missing in the debate on immigration” (3) - (8min)


How is this relevant to New York Presbyterian?

Immigrants account for 48% of the Washington Heights and Inwood communities, with 2/3 from the Dominican Republic. The population of Washington Heights and Inwood is 71% Hispanic, 17% White, 7% Black, 3% Asian, and 1% Other (6). Almost 50% of residents are foreign-born, and 39% have limited English proficiency (6).


How is this relevant to Harlem Hospital?

Harlem Hospital’s patient population is 44.5% African American, 40.8% Hispanic, 9.5% White, 3% Asian, and 1.7% other. 24% of Harlem residents are born overseas, and 11% have limited English proficiency (7). 


How is this relevant to Bassett Health Care?

The population of Otswego County is 94.4% White, 2.3% African American, 0.2% Native American, 1.5% Asian, 3.7% Latino, 1.6% People identifying as "two or more" races. 98.7% of residents are US citizens (8).


If I am interested in this topic, where can I learn more?

Check out Robert Wood Johnson Foundation collection of work on "Immigration, Health Care and Health" (9)

A compilation of ten studies from various institutes and foundations regarding immigrant family health and primary care.

Watch Frontline documentary “Immigration Battle” (10) - (114min)

This documentary utilizes the profile of Illinois Congressman Luis Guttierez to explore both sides of US immigration reform, including the social, economic and health issues faced by millions of immigrants.

Read this Health Affairs article "Immigrants and Health Care: Sources of Vulnerability" (11)

This paper examines the elements that constitute vulnerability within immigrant populations, and with specific focus on the risks it poses to health and healthcare among immigrants.



1.       Ted Global. (October 2014). Don't ask me where I'm from, ask me where I'm a local. Retrieved from

2.       NPR. (June 2018). Fearing deportation some immigrants opt out of health benefits for their kids. Retrieved from

3.       Ted Residency. (September 2017).What we're missing in the debate on immigration. Retrieved from

4.       NPR. (May 2018). Another Cause of Doctor Burnout? Being Forced To Give Immigrants Unequal Care Retrieved from

5.       The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (December 2017) Health Coverage of Immigrants. Retrieved Dec. 21 from

6.       New York City Community Health Profiles. Retrieved February 21, 2017, from;

7.       HARLEM HOSPITAL CENTER - Retrieved February 20, 2017, from;

8.       Bassett:

9.       Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Immigration, Health Care and Health. Retrieved December 21, 2018 from

10.    Frontline and Independent Lens. Immigration Battle. Retrieved on December 21, 2018 from

11.    Health Affairs. (September/October 2007). Immigrants and Health Care: Sources of Vulnerability. Retrieved on December 21, 2018 from